Hearing The WORD is encouraging. However, when you enroll in our interactive Bible study:
Through the Skool' of L.I.F.E., this class can broaden your understanding of Scriptures with creativity, interaction, and study in a nurturing environment. ENROLL TODAY!
Also with our video blogs, we invite you to embrace a creative approach by hearing and applying the WORD. We also encourage you to find a Scripture-based church or temple for fellowship in your community.
How are you helping someone special today? When we help those in need, we receive abundant #blessings and #rewards.
Today, I reflect upon my #blessings, #lessons, and #opportunities. It is a #humbling experience, but I hope it #inspires you.
Today's episode is about #IntellectualWellness. We discuss how students can excel with their #studies and #performance.
© 2015-2024 Elder P.D.R. Smith & ReignBow ReNEWed LIFE Center, Corp. All Rights Reserved.
(833) 72-RENEW / itsrenewed@gmail.com
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